Newsletter 9/10/14

News of the Church Family


Farewell and God’s Speed

Sadly this week we are saying ‘farewell and God’s Speed to our friend Jane Watson as she moves to Cumbria. We would like to thank Jane for all she has done in the past years. To name but a few she has: reorganised the Pastoral System into Church Families; Helped with running the Craft Group; run the Crèche; organised Norman’s Well giving money for Water Aid; helped with Messy Church and Love to Play and many more. You will be greatly missed Jane and we wish you well in your new life. Who will fill those places?


There are many known to us who need our prayers for strength and encouragement, even though they may not be named in this newsletter. Let us continue to pray daily for each and every one.






* In partnership with Churches Together in Uxbridge there will be a night of praise, worship and prayer at St Margaret’s Church, Windsor Street, Uxbridge UB8 1AB, on Friday, 17th October from 7:30pm until 11pm. Our overall vision remains to devote ourselves to God in worship and to seek His will and His kingdom for Hillingdon. This coincides with 48 hours of continuous prayer in St. Margaret’s. We are turning the Upper room into a Prayer room, and so anyone would be welcome to stay on and pray for part or all of the night if they would like to. Come for as little or as long as you like. For more details, please see the poster in Oasis.

* Are You Interested and concerned about how TFL are going to develop Northwood in the area surrounding the Station? If you are please go to one of the public meetings to be held at St. Johns, Hallowell Road on: October 21 at 7.30pm-9.30pm, October 23 at 7.30pm -9.30pm, October 25 at 2.30-4.30pm. You need to book a place .Contact northwood@make-good.com . If you don’t have a computer, ask someone who has to do it for you. You need only attend ONE meeting as they’re all the same. Shirley A.

* Peter Davies is preaching on Remembrance Sunday and would like to make a series of connections between the congregation and the theme of Remembrance Sunday by naming members of the congregation who have family members who either fought or suffered (perhaps in bombing raids) in war time. He would like some brief details (name, what the person’s relationship was to the congregation member and what the person’s involvement in conflict was) and hopefully a picture (scanned copy is fine). It would be good to have half a dozen or so examples which don’t have to be just from the 1st or 2nd World War. If you can help with information please give details to one of the stewards. Thanks, Sue.

* ‘IN LOVING MEMORY’ is a Service of Remembrance held on Sunday 2nd November at 4.00pm. Everyone is welcome to share in our annual Service for the Bereaved. Prayers, readings and meditation to give thanks for the lives of those who have died recently or long ago, to bring comfort to the bereaved, and to offer to all the reassurance of eternal life. Individuals may be remembered by name during the service, and a candle lit as a memorial sign. Please invite friends and neighbours and come yourself either to remember someone or to support those for whom this is a deeply special occasion.

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